Mother’s Day: Linda Tol

Becoming a mother is a life changing experience, no matter where you are from. To celebrate Mother’s Day, a handful of inspiring mothers from all over the world share their thoughts on family rituals, loneliness, morning routines and on the lessons  motherhood have taught them



What is the most important thing your own mother has taught you?

“To be positive and always have a grateful heart.”

Which family rituals do you value the most?

“It’s everything from bedtime routines and lazy Sunday mornings at home to traveling together. Making memories and spending quality time together.”

Name one thing you have learned about yourself from becoming a mother?

“Motherhood has given me an entire new take on life; my perspective on and perception of the world has changed. I am more grateful for everything I have in life, and I try to be more present – which is not always easy with my job.”

Which morning routines do you have?

“Usually, we wake up around 7 am. We take 10 min to cuddle before jumping in the shower and get dressed. While Renwe is dressing Louie, I prepare breakfast which we enjoy together. Louie is in daycare three days a week. On those days I drop him off before going to work. The remaining days we walk to our local coffee bar after breakfast and enjoy our morning coffee there.

I’m very curious to see how our morning routine will change when baby number 2 arrives. I think it will require a bit more time before we are ready, but I’m really looking forward to all our new routines as a family.”

Being a mother can be intense. How do you spend five minutes alone?

“I make sure to plan time for myself. I often book a massage, a manicure and coffee dates with my friends during the week. I need that time to recharge. I’m lucky to travel often for my job, even though it’s less now than it was before. But when I travel by myself I love the me time. I take a bath, read a book in bed and enjoy a good breakfast before going to work.”


HONEY Glow trio

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Text Anna Rolin

Photos Private


Linda Tol, 38, mother to Louie Gene, age 3, and a little one on the way. Digital Talent, Brand Consultant and Co-owner of Jules Coffee & Concept. Lives in Haarlem, The Netherlands

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