Bump Diary x Amalie Reedtz-Thott
Yoga, leopard print leggings and an independent midwife got Amalie Reedtz-Thott, 25, safely through her pregnancy. Here she’s sharing her thoughts and pictures from the past 9 months.
How did you find out you were pregnant?
“In march, my boyfriend and I were on our engagement trip to New York where I surprised him in our hotel room with a positive pregnancy test. I had a feeling I was pregnant so I had brought the test with me from home and I managed to hide the pregnancy from him on our way over there – despite the fact that I was incredibly hungry but at the same time unable to eat properly on the plane. We celebrated the news with champagne and a nice dinner, although I was absolutely exhausted.”
How would you describe your pregnancy?
“I’ve felt incredibly fortunate that my pregnancy has been completely uncomplicated. I’m especially grateful for this because I previously miscarried at 4 months. At the time it was extremely tough, but today I feel like it was part of our process to get to where we are today. We talked a lot about our anxieties, and we worked through the feelings that came with the termination of my first pregnancy together, which meant that we started a new chapter when I fell pregnant with Bobbie. I think it’s almost impossible to not worry when you’re pregnant, but I’ve worked really hard on making sure the worries didn’t strangle the joy and excitement.”
How do you feel about your pregnant body?
“I feel really good about my pregnant body and I feel very comfortable in my skin. I’ve never been too focused on my weight, before or during my pregnancy. My weight is not important to me, but I do make sure that my diet is healthy and varied. I’ve enjoyed being pregnant and I truly admire what the female body can do. I’ve read the book ‘Nurtue’ written by an American doula who describes the mental, physical and spiritual changes women go through during pregnancy – she also includes recipes and meditation exercises.”
What have you missed the most while being pregnant?
“I have missed riding a lot – being in the woods on horseback is so special. I’ve been riding for 15 years; my horse is called Copaiba – named after my favourite essential oil. I’ve taken Copaiba for long walks instead, which has been just as gratifying to me. I can’t wait to share some of the amazing things you experience, when riding in nature, with Bobbie, when she’s a bit older.”
How would you describe your personal style?
“I bought a pair of Queen Mom maternity jeans at Enula 9 when I was 7 months pregnant. Otherwise I’ve been able to wear my normal clothes – even though it has become more and more challenging the bigger I get.”
Which shoes have you been wearing while pregnant?
“My New Balance trainers have gotten me through my pregnancy. They’re just so comfortable! My mum’s sister gave me the best tip at the beginning of my pregnancy – to have customised insoles made – which has made a huge difference. The insoles help to avoid the arches of your feet collapsing and thereby lower the risk of having to go up a shoe size after your pregnancy. Besides that, I’ve lived in my Nike sliders all through the long and beautiful Danish summer we were blessed with this year.”
Which item from your wardrobe have you used the most during your pregnancy?
“My leopard print trousers from Danish brand Saks Potts have definitely been my go-to item. People have been making fun of me for wearing them constantly, but they are so comfortable and I love the print. Soft knitted jumpers, oversized t-shirts and body suits from La Senza have also been staples.”
Have you been exercising during your pregnancy?
“I’ve kept doing yoga and Pilates as I did before I became pregnant and I’ve also been following a website called ‘Spinning Babies’ which has a lot of pregnancy and labour exercises that I have been doing religiously. My midwife recommended the site to me, and doing the exercises have meant that I have had no lower back pain for the majority of my pregnancy.”
Tell us a bit about your babymoon?
“We decided to go to California for a three-week holiday before becoming parents. California was an easy choice because you don’t need to worry about getting any vaccinations before going, and the hospitals are of a high standard. We had amazing food in San Francisco, stayed in the boho town of Bolinas, visited vineyards in Napa Valley, hiked in Big Sur and surfed in Malibu. We ended the trip in L.A. where we stayed at our favourite hotel, Ace Hotel Downtown. It was the most amazing holiday and I would definitely recommend that, if at all possible, you go on a trip with your partner before the baby arrives. One thing I’d recommend though, is to make sure you stay a few days at a time in the same location and avoid trying to pack in too many different stops. I felt that I needed that comfort and stillness, and that is definitely related to being pregnant.”
Has your beauty routine changed during your pregnancy?
“I’ve been very focused on looking after myself and my body throughout my pregnancy. I have, amongst other things, had craniosacral therapy at Sahars as well as reflexology and labour inducing acupressure towards the end of my pregnancy. My midwife recommended that I see an osteopath, which I did when I was 4 months along. Osteopathy helps to make sure your pelvis and body as a whole is aligned and in balance before going into labour. I have been dry brushing my body most mornings, focussing especially on my legs and belly to increase blood circulation and minimise stretchmarks. My favourite products have definitely been Amazing Space’s body oil Pretty and Pregnant as it smells divine, as well their facemask Cream and Honey which has helped with the few hormonal breakouts I have had.
I have used Weleda’s Perineum Massage Oil from week 30, and my boyfriend has also performed Rebozo Manteada (a relaxation technique using a Mexican Rebozo scarf, ed.) on me every night and that has definitely made me feel more relaxed throughout my pregnancy. I love scents, and catching a whiff of a beautiful scent can be absolute bliss to me which is why I have been using my Dewdrop Diffuser from Young Living a lot. My favourite essential oils are Lavender, Copaiba, Francenes and Purification. To help me sleep better I have been using Lavender and Francenes and during the day I’ve been using Copaiba and Purification.”
What are your thoughts on diet and taking supplements during your pregnancy?
“I have been taking Vitaviva’s Vitamama every day. As they are packed in individual little packs they are super handy to carry with you when you’re on the go. In every packs there’s a multi vitamin, probiotics, calcium, magnesium and organic flaxseed oil. It’s the only vitamins I tried that didn’t make me nauseous, and I can continue to take them after I’ve given birth. To get an extra boost, I have been making a spinach, oat milk, spirulina, banana, almond butter, rosehip powder, chia seeds and avocado smoothie every morning. It’s a great breakfast alternative that fills you up and is easy to drink. I have also been taking Pure Arctic Oil, a fish oil, from Eqology – it’s important to me that the quality is super high.”
How have you prepared for the birth and what has your though process been?
“I’ve always wished for a natural birth, or as close to natural as possible. Because this wish was so strong, my boyfriend and I agreed that we would like to have an independent midwife guide us through both pregnancy and labour. It was important to us that we could get as much guidance as possible as well as access to alternative treatments before, during and after labour. Our midwife has been with us through the whole process, and she has done all of our consultations as well as pre-natal classes in our house. It’s felt incredibly safe and comforting to know that we would only ever deal with one person through the pregnancy, labour and the beginning of breast feeding. It’s been amazing having such an experienced, calm and loving woman by our side throughout this journey of becoming parents. Someone that we have been able to ask any questions that might come up, and someone we could find safety and comfort with. It’s been really nice to be so actively involved in the whole process! It has also been fascinating to dive into and challenge the “hospital culture”, which is so prevalent, as well as my own intuition, which is something I think will be really important once I become a mum.
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Mange hilsner, Jacob
Amalies sofa er et vintagekøb
De bedste hilsner To The Moon, Honey